CUANDO se mira el paisaje mayoritariamente de concreto/asfalto que gracias a la avaricia de arquitectos/ingenieros, cuya incompetencia, falta de talento real, nos ha dejado el feo puente inservible atirantado, un tren urbano con tantas goteras como un colador, la corrosion visible en el metal, filtraciones en paredes, embalses que a nadie se le ocurrio drenar sistematicamente para evitar la situacion actual que con el cambio climatico empeora anualmente.
Autopistas en las cuales tanto las entradas como salidas son un riesgo para la vida habiendo colocado los lectores de tarjetas para pagar a la izquierda estando la salida tres carriles a la derecha o viceversa. La estupidez de los responsables es realmente de estatura mundial, galactica/universal diria yo.
El pillaje que durante seis decadas, con la complicidad de instituciones como familia, escuela e iglesia, fomentaron cada cuatrienio escogiendo en las elecciones rojiazules ladrones, farsantes que se robaron para si mismos/parientes o regalaron el patrimonio a extranjeros/nacionales mediante exorbitantes, salarios, bonos, contratos, pensiones para policias, maestros, empleados de gobierno, dejaron a la ISLA ESTRELLA, en una impresionante miseria que en 24 meses sera verdaderamente de estatura universal cuando no se puedan pagar las pensiones que se establecieron por ley, sin ningun tipo de prevision, evaluacion sistematica.
El pillaje con la aprobacion electoral, fue incrementando gracias a los prestamos para pagar la deuda/robo ya mentados, para ajustar los presupuestos anualmente, asesinando poco a poco la vaca de los huevos de oro que ahora ni carne, piel o leche podra dar a quienes con la complicidad de cada quien que haya votado por estos ladrones incompetentes con titulos universitarios locales i/o del extranjero que nunca mostraron imaginacion alguna para resolver algun problema por pendejo e insignificante que fuese.
Ahora los servicios de salud, educacion, poco e ineficiente servicio de transporte, agua, electricidad caeran velozmente a las arenas movedizas en lo que ISLA ESTRELLA, se convirtio en seis decadas de robo, mirar al otro lado.
Para terminar, seria bueno tirar a un lado la pendejada esa cansona que nunca comprendi desde los tres lustros de edad: 'Boricua pa que tu lo sepah o Orgulloso de ser pueltorriquenho'.
Solo una persona sado/masoquista, retardada a la potencia 'down', puede reclamar, gritar como un imbecil tal cosa.
Al lloriqueo del 'talento' que emigra, mire alrededor suyo, aquellos que viven en la zona metro, Santurce, por ejemplo. Camine mirando, observando aceras, cunetas, calles, carreteras. A mi me parece que solo un animal incapaz de aprender algo por medio de un libro o la experiencia construye con tal chapuceria o siembra arboles en TODO el entorno que no solo destruyen las aceras, sino que en adicion se enredan en el tendido electric, sin dares cuenta repitiendo toda la vida el mismo acto tarugo.
Para terminar, dejar, con un poco mas de claridad esta critica irrefutable, que acto de mayor incapacidad intellectual es el recoger basura de metal/plastico/madera de cuerpos acuaticos dulces/salados, cuando la AAA durante las seis decadas mentadas, continua disponiendo de aguas fecales en esos entornos en TODA ISLA ESTRELLA.....
La ironia de todo esto es que aquellos complices del pillaje de estatura mundial, fundamentalmente los pensionados, se veran en la mas alucinante miseria mas pronto de lo que jamas imaginaron, gracias al talento de los que se quedaron.
En algun portal de feisbuk, compartia una de las complices de todo esto, que me fuera a otro pais....lo cual deja en evidencia la incapacidad para la autocritica o la mera critica, con una archipendeja sensibilidad que hizo possible, los eventos historicos, reales de este relato.
Aca lo que deberia ser nuestro himno nacional.
Calliandra surinamensis
martes, 23 de junio de 2015
viernes, 19 de junio de 2015
ON Wednesday, right before I was to start my routine in the treadmill, the blond midget told me Luis wanted to talk to me...When I went back he tells me I had to pay for the membership and that I owe May...
I told him that was between them and the credit card. In the end I was not allowed to use the facilities.
Returning the next day to pay, I am told I started the membership on September. When the feeble mind blondie started to check on the computer screen with me card on her hand, out of the blue, tells me that credit card payment was no longer accepted, nor was cash.
Believe it or not, these scumbags pretend/expect customers to provide a bank account to charge directly, saving their credit card costs.
In brief, Planet Fitness is a gym where overcrowding conditions are permanent after 3PM, there is no control of any kind, a place where the riff raff does what they want without any discipline, particularly in the noise department.
Only a fool will provide a bank account to be charged, risking they identity and or funds. Farewell Planet Fitness, thanks for the memories, riff raff.
I told him that was between them and the credit card. In the end I was not allowed to use the facilities.
Returning the next day to pay, I am told I started the membership on September. When the feeble mind blondie started to check on the computer screen with me card on her hand, out of the blue, tells me that credit card payment was no longer accepted, nor was cash.
Believe it or not, these scumbags pretend/expect customers to provide a bank account to charge directly, saving their credit card costs.
In brief, Planet Fitness is a gym where overcrowding conditions are permanent after 3PM, there is no control of any kind, a place where the riff raff does what they want without any discipline, particularly in the noise department.
Only a fool will provide a bank account to be charged, risking they identity and or funds. Farewell Planet Fitness, thanks for the memories, riff raff.
sábado, 13 de junio de 2015
A Isla Estrella la arruinaron los arquitectos/ingenieros...que a su vez culpan a los planificadores que nunca hubo, planificaron nada, por eso existe un tren tres veces mas grande de lo necesario, perdiendo 150 millones anuales.
En fin, este articulo en un libro que tengo hace 4 decadas me recoldo a Puelto Rico...En realidad trata de USA, pero es imagen de la construccion en cualquier pais del mundo...con una plasta de concreto/asfalto como ciudad.
Lo de Ruben Blades es otra foto/imagen musical de la mierda que es este entorno encantado paraiso.
THE CITY closes in on him now, and in this strange perspective it becomes the anthithesis of what he believes. The citadel not of Quality, the citadel of form and substance. Substance in the form of steel sheets and girders, substance in the form of concrete piers and roads, in the form of brick, of asphalt, of auto parts, old radios, and rails, dead carcasses of animals that once grazed the prairies.
Form and substance without Quality. That is the soul of this place. Blind, huge, sinister and inhuman: seen by the light of fire flaring upward in the night from the blast furnaces in the south, through heavy coal smoke deeper and denser into the neon of BEER and PIZZA and LAUNDROMAT signs and unknown and meaningless signs along meaningless straight streets going off other straight streets forever..
If is was all bricks and concrete, pure forms of substance, clearly and openly, he might survive. It is the little, pathetic attempts at Quality that kill. The plaster false fireplace in the apartment, shaped and waiting to contain a flame that can never exist. Or the hedge in front of the apartment building with a few square feet of grass behind it. A few square feet of grass, after Montana. It they just left out the hedge and grass it would be all right. Now it serves only to draw attention to what has been lost.
Along the streets that lead away from the apartment he can never see anything through the concrete and brick and neon but he knows that buried within it are grotesque, twisted souls forever trying the manners that will convince themselves they possess Quality, learning strange poses of style and glamour vended by dream magazines and other mass media, and paid by the vendors of substance. He thinks of them ant night alone with their advertised glamorous shoes and stockings and underclothes off, starring through the sooty windows at the grotesque shells revealed beyond them, when the poses weaken and the truth creeps in, the only truth that exists here, crying to heaven God, there is nothing here but dead neon and cement and brick.
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