On 28 November 2018, a reforestation workshop took place in the well kept facilities of the above mentioned. Some of those present represented lame agencies or programs in the field of planting, agriculture and reforestation.
Most of the speakers are traditional academicians with blindfolds limiting their stance, focus on this or that within their fences, never beyond, or worse, no focus
in the urban context where most islanders inhabit.
Within the group with short presentations about their interests and domain, one phd
senior lady rambled on the good thing trees are for, mentioning her common place custom/use knowledge of trees of which the silliest was Ylan Ylan. Their flowers fragance is overwhelming, the arquitecture horrendous. She reminds one of a preacher in biblical studies repeating what everyone knows.
After lunch, we went on separate ways acording to our interests. In my case, urban
issues. With a collection of 80 species/43botanical families- with a review in 'Fine Gardening', on 10/26/2018...I expected too much.
The chief of el pais de Caguas ornato, spoke only about issues related to his job and experiences, the arborist, the agronomist were in the same bag. The two women and
one hick did not offer much to comment, except the last one. This hick replied to the sillinesss of planting 30 feet wide trees as adults, 3' appart, as los 'delanaturaleza.org' do: "Oh, but in nature trees grow at random" or something in that line.
The arborist was the only one mentioning 'biodiversity'...However, no mention of species to reach it were mentioned. The ornato chief thought he was the leader
we had to follow. The agronomist offered some good points in terms of reforestation.
In brief, it was obvious these people do not read on the wide, complicated issues
of reforestation, in the urban context, only spoke gospel like about their experience limited to the ignorant, narrow, backward, reality of the this isle.